In working with new touch screens on instruments at work that are similar to these, a more common issue is actually with them shutting down or burning up in direct sunlight at high temps. Because they do get hot from normal operation if you put them in 50*C to 60*C and under direct sunlight they can develop dark or blackout spots even before their control systems will shut them down. These are also temps rarely seen on water I'd ever be out fishing, but at the same time not that difficult to acheive on localized dashboard type surfaces. Also, if you had the screen exposed to winter conditions of say -30*F to -40*F for many hours and then tried to power them on you could run into difficulties, but I'd guess not.

Taken from one of their user manuals:
"Lowrance displays are designed to operate in temperatures from -15*C to +55*C (+5*F to 131*F)"

Maybe extreme low fall temps, let alone winter, will cause some issues, but I'd guess if you can get it on you'll be fine as it will heat itself.

One issue I'd see with them is increased power draw, and running starting batteries down quicker than most guys would be used to. Granted saying all that I still think they look amazing and will keep them on my wishlist.
