Our 2nd Annual Flatlander Moonlight Bowling Night was last Saturday and it seemed everyone had a good time. There were 19 teams that braved the windy night along with a couple volunteers that showed up just for the fun of it. I thank those that bowled and also, those that helped out. Dick Estes was the resident raffle ticket salesman and he was there early to help set up. Also showing up to help set up were Mark and Rhonda Thiessen. Thank you, I appreciated the help. Also, thank you to the good sports that had to bowl in a special way in front of everyone watching. Jenny, Lee, Carole, Kayla and Craig had to bowl between the legs, hiked like a football, opposite handed, with her foot and between the legs during the approach respectively. Even though they didn't get a strike, they received the proze anyway for being a good sport. Actually, Kayla got a 9-pin strike using her foot to push the ball so technically, it was a strike. Good job to all. There was a glitch with the food as the bowling alley forgot that we included the food in our package, so they had to make a late order to get it there before it was too late. Better late than never, I guess. There was plenty of pizza and wings for everyone...even a little to bring home to eat during the playoff games.

The grand prize TV went to Brandon Simonson's girlfriend, Taylor, who happily snatched it up from the raffle table. Lee Bach hummed and haaaaD about which to take...the Batman/Catwoman cut outs or the refridgerator. He went with the appliance with a little persuasion from the family. Rhonda Thiessen got the cut outs and from what I understand...Mark took immediate posession of Catwoman. Good choice Mark.

I want to thank those that supported the event by donating prizes, buying tickets, etc. The event was a success for the club and even though attendance was down from last year, we made almost as much. Maybe it was because it was on Saturday instead of Friday??? We don't know. All I know is that I was almost too tired to watch football the next day...almost.

Hopefully, everyone had a good time and will join us again next year. Thanks again.

Jeff Blanck