Moved to Carbondale from Northern MO in July and I've been painfully biding my time to get on Kinkaid for muskies. The water temps have been ridiculous and I'm hoping that they should be more fish friendly soon if they already are not. I'm originally from N. WI so water temps were rarely a problem and I certainly never went 3 months without being able to safely fish muskies. I've had a blast fishing Bass in the meantime and am nothing but impressed with the fisheries down this way.
Anyways, just wanted to introduce myself and say feel free to wave when you see the old silver lund out on Kinkaid this fall(and winter and spring) I'm a bit of a diehard so it's good to see there's a few others down this way...How much of a diehard you ask? It's 4 am and I'm watching Musky videos on youtube and sharpening hooks
I'm headed out to Cedar for bass in a couple hours so I'll give a water temp report when I get back..Good luck to everybody this fall and if anyone ever needs a second in their boat I'd love to see how it's done down here in "the south"