My brother and I had a Musky actually jump into the boat over the weekend. I was fishing out of the front when I saw a Musky come shootin out from under the boat. Just then, I hear some commotion in the back and turn to see a small (24ish) Musky laying on the boat floor at my brothers feet. The odd thing was that my brother was lookin at me and I couldn't figure out what was going on. I figured he had hooked the thing and I was kind of pissed that he didn't let me get it in the net and keep it in the water. Well, the thing started floppin a bit, so we hurried and got it back in the water. it was until then that he told me it JUMPED into the boat. Both of our lines were out of the water for a bit at that particular time. The reason he was lookin at me in the front of the boat was because he thought that I had thrown something at him, not realizing it was the Musky!! LOL The only thing I can think of is that fish was chasing the other one and for some reason launched itself out of the water. Who knows?? Man, we couldn't stop laughing about that afterward. I really wish someone had it on video.