So you sold the Legend. With the photos you posted I thought maybe Rachel was in direct competition with you as a guide and took it. There she is in the first picture fishing out of the Legend then all of yours are in the Tuffy. I don't know why she doesn't start up her own business guiding with the help of Murph. Heck last year we fish with you and catch nothing (good time though). You leave to go to Canada and she comes out to eat the next day with us. She must have gotten sick of me and told me to go fish a spot. I go there and catch a 39 incher. The next day Fidler and I take Murphy out and Fidler catches a 49.5 with him. I'm also thinking you came home and cried to Murphy asking where we caught it cause you go and catch the same fish a few days later.

Can't wait to get up there