I to gave up posting for awhile, its funny, i seen that some of my earlier posts got 3-500 hits with no responces. I to live in ironwood, and its nice to know what type of bait to pick up and which species of fish are active, im not asking for everyones (hotspots) by no means. Its just nice to know what the fish are up to, it makes planning a trip easier. With that said i went out a few days ago, trolled all afternoon with crawler and leech harnesses, picked up a few small eyes with no keepers. later in the evening i went to 16 ft of water till dark. I used slip bobbers and had great luck, smallies were on fire and the walleyes were the same. caught about 12 eyes but everyone was around 13-15 inches. no big ones that day but its good to see them biting, i was using leeches and wished i brough minnows, i guess minnows have been real good. How have you guys been doing?