I am in the process of updating my sponsor logos and working with Great Lakes Graphics on the next round of guide shirts. I have had several people ask me about buying shirts since the last ones were printed so now is the time to place your order.

I am planning on ordering these shirts on June 2nd so June 1st will be the deadline. Based on the number of shirts I will be ordering, I am guessing the price will be somewhere in the 19.00-21.00 range PLUS SHIPPING TO YOUR ADDRESS. These will be breathable/anti-microbial shirts and will either be Champion or ALO brand shirts. They will weight 4 to 4.1 ounces depending on the model I decide to purchase.

Allegheny Guide Service on the front with a picture of a musky and on the back will be smaller logos of all my sponsors. You can also order long sleeve or short sleeve.

If interested, please post the color (either navy/gold lettering or white/blue lettering) and size right here in this thread so I can get an idea of how many I will need to order. Also include your REAL NAME so I can start a list on my PC.

Thanks and good luck on the water this weekend!