Well, It's that time of year for me and Dad. The boat will be getting winterized and going into storage this week. What a year! Our season started off with a muskie within 5 minutes of launching the boat for the first time in March and ended on a similar note. We put 25 muskies in our boat the last 2 weekends using our St Clair planer board trolling techniques closer to home. Nothing huge, but great numbers and several 40+ inchers, up to 46.5 the last 2 weekends. A great way to end the season.

This year had its ups and downs for us. We got a few muskies on a new body of water, and had some great outings at our old favorites. On the other hand, Chautauqua was very stubborn this summer. As always, met some new people at the lakes and had some great times with friends. That's what it's all about. Looking forward to hunting, some shows this winter, and buying some new baits in anticipation of next spring. There are some great new trolling baits that have come out over the past couple years. If you haven't run them yet, check out some Boss Shads. They are not a magic bait, but something new that the fish definitely like some days.

Good luck to everyone still hitting the water.

Adam Andresky