Got up there on the 29th. With the warm stable weather we figured the skies would be turned on during the lower light morning/evening bite. We were right. On the 31st I had a huge fish on a rumbler out of a sparse cabbage bed on the east side of the lake. 19 year old swung at the fish with the net, hung the bait on the edge with only the fish's head in the net- muskie slid out and the bait stayed in the net. Michael felt awful but I didn't feel bad as it was a great fight and just the start of the 2 week trip. After that we had regular hits on topwaters and follows on bucktails in the weeds with no hookups. Later in the week we had one 45 minute period on the North Bar where fish followed every direction- but that was beginning of the end. Starting August 6th, the storms and the north winds and rain kicked in, and by the 13th the temps had dropped 10 degrees to 71. From the 7th on we saw only one upper 30's fish on the North Bar- and we were fishing Pipe, Pelican, Battle Point. The 11th, 12th, 13th we hardly saw a fish, couldn't catch a decent perch to save ourselves- they hadn't gone into the bulrushes yet, weren't in the weeds any other depth. I think we caught only a couple small northerns at that time. Never seen anything like it. Need some stable weather again Going back up Labor Day wkend.