Funny thing today..was out in the same spot..Fish were still there. We started banging them jigging and not using the net but hand landing them not to draw any attention to us..These guys shoot right up to us, acting like they were fishing there the whole time. At one time i could put my hand in there minnow bucket in there boat.There guys put there boat over the fish were we were casting and spooked the whole school..So i talked to them a little and they read a post on this sight that a BOAT was catching fish in this area...I said WOW what a guy to give up his spot on the internet and they said they know about this spot for years and fish it all the time. It was like we were tresspassing.. What ever i said..That what happends what u tell the world what going on in the bay...The jigs of choice was a northland blue/orange gumball was the ticket...So we left to go to a nother spot on the east side of the bay..We eneded up 1 short for our limit.

Back to work but will be out during the week..Stay tuned for more of a report.
Hate to post picks its like bragging.