Long SoDak winters?Not really,sure it seems to never end,sure we get a tad of snow(the last drift on my place departed late last week)but you mean there really are places where it doesn't snow 8 months,then turn 105 degrees for 4 months?Actually,upon reflection,I spend so much time shoveling/plowing I have no time to write.
Furthermore writing a book presumes a few things.First one should have something new or profound to say.Second,one should have the ability to write so it can be said in an understandable fashion.Finally self publishing takes $$ no matter what one hears nowadays.I fail all three presumptions.
Having said this,I can be totally shameless if a buck($$ not deer)is involved so the threat is always there and something for the muskie public to be apprehensive about.I do have a few chapters done,I do have a pile of notes and thoughts about 6 inches deep,and the Boss has okayed the 'investment' so why not?Simple-I have writers block which translated means I'm lazy and too busy being 'retired'.Yet...,one never knows I guess.I did go so far as to successfully approach a young muskie 'guru' about contributing a few sections on 'new technology'(to me thats anything beyond a rock n rope)and how to use it but then let him down with my laziness.This guy is smart and even catches fish so that part of a book might actually be meaningful.
Who knows,as stated,the threat still exists I guess.