By the looks of things, this may be the last weekend we will be able to ice fish on most area lakes. The weather gods are predicting 65 and sun on Saturday and 65 and rain storms on Sunday. This weather will not help the ice conditions. There are still some lakes that have a foot and a half of ice, but getting on the lake is a different story. "Last Ice" is one of the best times of the year to target slab Crappies.

Daily limits of slab Crappies are becoming the norm. John wasn't kidding a couple posts back about bigger jigging spoons for bigger fish. These jigging spoons get down to the fish faster when you're hole hopping looking for active fish. They also seem to "call" the fish in with a unique vibration. Get out and enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend. On a final note, good luck to John Carlson and his wife Dawn as they will be having their third boy on Friday.