I think the guides/resorts should focus more on multi species fishing.The walleye is a great eater but a boring fighter.Why not focus on the fighting smallies or numerous pike?I live in southeastern wisconsin and find the promotion of the TFF to be lacking!If you want to bring back tourism(money)you have to do a better job of promoting the re sources you have its NOT just walleyes.What about the beauty and serenity of the area?The wonderful camping?The nice people and great resorts.From what i see some places need to make their prices more reasonable.This isn't a boom time for vacationers.The sooner people realize they may have to make changes to draw tourists the better for your economy!600 or 700 dollars for a week is not going to draw people.I have looked at some places availability charts and they look pretty sad!As much as some people are resistant to change you must adapt or you could fail.Just some thoughts from an "outsider " who loves the TFF.
Good luck and God bless all, Bob S.