Two questions. Can anyone tell me if trolling will be allowed on all the lakes in Sawyer county or if some will be excluded?

Second question is if anyone knows if the size limit for walleyes on Sand Lake is subject to change. I am afraid that the 18 inch size limit is going to hurt this lake as there are huge numbers of fish in the 14 to 17 inch range. I feel as if these fish are never going to get bigger like they are almost in a stunted state. They are not getting bigger as the last 4 years have been the same result. Also I think the 18 inch limit forces a person to keep the 19-22 inch female that they otherwise would not because they would keep that 15 inch male which there are so many instead. You can very easily go out there and have 100 fish days with two or three people in the boat and not get one fish over 18 inches. I think a limit of 1 or 2 fish under 18 and 1 over 18 would be more suited for this lake. I am just hoping this reaches someone who would have a little pull on changing this. I have been fishing this lake for 30+ years and have seen its ups and downs and would like to see it managed well now that there are large numbers of fish in there. Thank you for taking the time to read this.