Gotta love that enthusiasm!

Maybe if you posted a picture of the deck, we could get an idea. I'm not sure what your deck/bow looks like, but the nice thing about the powerdrive / Terrova is that you can mount it at any angle (you're only limited to the shaft length in the stowed position) and the shaft will just keep rotating (it knows no center). Mine is on a 45 degree angle, but the motor still deploys almost directly in the middle making it track like a champ. I would try to mount it at the steepest angle possible to maximize your deck space, without making the motor stick out too far.

I got another idea. Take a swivel downrigger mount and then piggyback the trolling motor onto downrigger mount. swing it straight back during stow, then swing it 60 degrees sideways to deploy! That would be sweet. Haha.