Brrrrrrrrrrr... It definately feels a lot like WINTER here in the far north of WI.. But, we will take the cold, as we are in full swing in the ice fishing season now.

From inland lakes that produce great catches of Panfish along with Walleye and Pike action to now a good sheet of ice started on Chequamegon Bay that will have us out there in full swing shortly, we have something going on for anyone and everyone. Trout and Salmon to Whitefish and SmallMouth with some Herring and Smelt thrown in too.. Always something fun to catch out here on beautiful Lake Superior. Oh, and this year we will have a sleeper fish house available for rent as well!! Stay right on the ice and fish throughout the night - Burbot and Walleyes!! Keep updated through out website and fishing report page..

And for those looking for the Ultimate Ice Fishing Trip - Our Lrn2Fish Ice Fishing Schools will be hitting three different lakes this year, Leech Lake for Huge Walleyes and Jumbo Perch- Lake Okoboji for Monster Bluegills - Lake Namekagon for Slab Crappies. Guided fishing and daily seminars from the best in the ice business!!