I get out about 3 times/week and have focused on lunar and weather patterns a lot this year trying to become a better fisherman. When I look back at this year's log I've done for the first time and past memories, I would say 70% of my catches have no ryhme or reason to them. This past week with the full moon, I've fished pretty hard. Haven't seen a fish and I thought I would be in the money this week. There are other factors besides the full moon that I think made fishing bad this past week for me but it made me think twice about relying so heavily on these type of factors. It's good to hear someone that put's as much time on the water as you, admitt that getting out and just fishing hard is the best way to fish for muskies. I think that attitude promotes having a better attitude in the boat if conditions are suppose to be "optimal" and not catching anything or putting your time in during lackluster fishing conditions and getting a bonus fish. Thanks for the advice.

Question: The past 2 weeks of fishing have been bad for me. My general conclusion is that the water temperatures are falling from there peak high a couple of weeks ago and fish aren't feeding as much. With that, falling water temps and hours of sunlight effect the weeds spots. I feel fish are in that in between stage from transitioning to there fall structure. Is it too early to come to that conclusion? And am I right?

Dumb Question: What do you consider a "front?"

I enjoy reading your post and thank you.