Will try post interesting tidbits here as Op M 3 progresses.As those of you who stay here know,everything you need must be boated in so much of that work has already been done.And,by the way,THANKS to all donaters and contributors.
Yesterday we got the tents/shelters etc set up along with tables,cookers,etc.
The ladies-Laura,her staff,Betsy,Pam Best,Dianna Klein,et al got the cabins ready including stocking each with breakfasts,snacks etc.More gas was barged in.I had meetings with Frank,Jeff Weigand,Chris Greene and Jim Best about the Opening Ceremony here,the Warroad festivities,the convoy up,customs issues and on and on.I requested a follow up meeting today where i had paper/pencil handy so I can avoid the 'senility factor' and blowing the whole thing from the start when I 'MC' the Opening get together.I just hate it when organized guys get involved and insist on a solid plan that makes sense.
Today we organize all the gear-rods,reels,lures,individual coolers and so on,then decorate the camp(flags,flowers,etc)plus about a zillion other things Frank/Laura and others remember that I don't.See above as to my feelings about people who are organized.
FIRST though,its 5;05 and I don't want to miss sun up on a good spot!!!!
More later-and I hope to remember to tell a sad tale of pre sun up yesterday.
Stay tuned and good fishing!