Well after seeing this webpage I started wondering about what the Shell Station at Sprague charges for fishing licenses.


I'm probably missing something, or am unaware of a surcharge or something, but I bought an 8-day conservation license and paid $30 for it. They also said I must pay in cash, which from what I can recall I've been told that several times in years past. I'm not exactly worried about the $2.29 more than the government listed website price, but just curious to see if they are charging the $30 correctly, or if they've simply decided to tack it on for their own private service fee or something. Like I said, I'm sure this is all on the up and up and completely legal and such, but if it is some sort of self applied service fee I'd like them to at least inform me of that.

I completely understand that they are there to make a living, and all the guys who go through there and buy only a license doesn't exactly help pay the bills, but does take up a considerable amount of their time. I have no problem paying a service charge like, because where else am I going to get a license that is less out of the way, but like I said just want to know that it is being charged honorably and/or legally.

I know it is petty and stupid to think about stuff like this, let alone bring it up on the site, but despite curiosity killing cats and such, I just wanted to see if I was missing something. Really the, "must pay in cash" thing actually bothers me more than the extra $2.29, as I'm not one to carry cash, even on trips, and always wondered why this was the case.
