Holy smokes, I was secretly wondering if you might wonderfully chime in,

first thing is you must give yourself more credit than that!

You may have opened a can of nomenclature worms, and those that love you may try to fish with them!

You see, my Father's first name is Richard as well. I know you can sympathize or empathize with that, and for the moment as I digest this I can only address you as "Sir Richard" at least for a few days anyway.

They may still call you "Dick". But at our hose, there is a good reason:

Bruce: (to his son tyler after losing several books after he got laid off from Cray and sold some books, but knew would never part with certain ones like "Muskies on the Sheild" personally autographed copy)

"Tyler, I was unpacking my stuff now that I am here in Amery. Did I borrow you my copy? I can't find my "Dick book"".

Tyler responds:

"You have a DICK BOOK?"

Bruce: "Yah! Did I borrow it to you?"

Tyler: (uncontrollable laughter and "Dad, you have a "DICK BOOK"?

Bruce: ( not getting his humor in all of this, after all, I cannot find my "Dick Book" and am frantic): "Yah, the copy of "Muskies on the Shield", do you have it, did I borrow it to you"?

Tyler: "No Dad I do not have a "Dick Book"!

Well Sir Richard, to sort his all out so you know where you stand as an author, I have 5 things in the drawer in my nightstand:
Latest copy of Muskies, Inc. magazine
Latest copy of Musky Hunter magazine
Latest copy of Bassin' magazine
My study Bible
"Muskies on the Shield" written by a certain very fondly thought of Author, now referred to as "Sir Richard".

"Sir Richard" sounds way too medieval. Soooo - I need some help.

If I move beyond the guilty conscience and analogies with which I used to refer to my father as when I was younger ("C" word, "D" word, and "P" word) can I start to call you "Dick" again, let's say starting Monday?

Missing Bay Store and the 8 (10 really) great fishing buddies and everyone else that was there this week in a big way. One special place in the lives of Tyler (what a dickhead) and I. We are truly, living the dream.

PS - "Dickheadville" is that wonderful place where we get to go to, when we are really sleepy, and manage to find a very soft, comfortable, preferably horizontal, place to continue our dreams, preferably uninterrupted by flashbulbs! Chairs work OK, but only for a short time.