The 2010 omnibus Game and Fish bill contains legislation that would damage our pike and muskie fisheries. It would also cause the DNR to lose some of the money from fishing license fees. There are actually several other items on the Bill that the DNR opposes as well.
This Bill is yet another example of the growing trend of legislators dreaming up bills that they think will make a few certain people happy, yet the end result is most often bad for our natural resources AND bad for sportsmen in general.
Instead of micro-managing and handcuffing the DNR with legislated laws created by politicians, shouldn't we allow the folks trained in biology and natural resources management actually manage our natural resources based on science?!

The only way to stop this is to call Governor Pawlenty and ask him to VETO the Game and Fish Bill.
Ask him to allow the DNR to design laws and create management strategies based on science... not politics.
He is currently taking input, but the decision could be made very soon... Call NOW!! If this Bill passes, it will set the stage for this disturbing trend to continue long into the future.

Governor Tim Pawlenty: 651-296-3391