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Thread: The most annoying thing about fishing is when.....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default The most annoying thing about fishing is when.....

    we look up the river and see the armada of canoes/kayaks coming down and decide to get closer to shore hoping to force "them" behind us. With 125 yards of water behind us and only 30 yards in front of us, you would think it is a no brainer as to where "they" should choose to go, especially when there are 3-4 of us launching 6 ounce baits toward the shoreline. Sometimes logic does not register with some of "them" as they attempt to squeeze between the boat and shoreline. That is when I come unglued and take matters into my own hands.

    You just wonder sometimes..........
    Allegheny Guide Service
    Red Childress

    E-mail - RedChildress@gmail.com
    Web Site: http://www.alleghenyguideservice.com

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Oh Please tell what you do when you come unglued? I have the same issue with canoes/kayaks, heck jetskis on conneaut lake. I will have 100 feet me to shore, and 1000 acreas behind me and the friggen jetskis go between me and the shore!?!?! Sometime i do not see them until my cast lands within 5 feet of them, i swear i did not see them officer...

  3. #3
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    We used to fish for carp a ton at the camp from the bank. It was amazing how the canoes would stick tight to the bank and snag all our lines. I would say, "Could you please go around our lines" and they would look at me like I was crazy. Then in a couple seconds, they would be wrapped up in the line and wondering what it was.

    A few years ago, we got our aquaview camera stuck in a tree. We were going to go back and dive down to get it. We put one of those fish marker buoys out. Every and I mean every canoe would pick it out of the water and move down river a few feet. On two occasions, we had to take the jet out and retrieve the bouy from the canoers. They seemed a little embarrassed once we asked for our buoy back.

  4. #4
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    One year I almost had to "throw down" with the leader of the kayak race they have every year. I knew it was going to happen, I got there early and knew I had a few hours to fish before they came. I ended up having several follows by a pretty hot fish that was big, just wasn't eating. I look up and see them coming so move in like you said to push them out and mainly to protect my fishing spot from getting rowed through.

    He screams at me to move he was having a race!!!! I couldn't believe what I just heard so I had to ask and he repeated it... That was when I pretty much told him to _ _ _ _ off he didn't own the river anymore than I did but I respected the fact that he was having a race and move over for him which give him at least 70% of the river in a deep hole that is wide. Then he got my Mag Dawg his way as hard as I could whip it in front of him so he got a look at it. I was mad enough to fire up the jet and run him down.

    The next 100 plus people paddled on by on the outside and most said hi or are you catching anything as they were paddling as hard as they could,out of breath....I was hoping they would of saved the energy and blow past the leader even though they were WAY behind.

    Just takes one butthead to set you off. 99.9% of the people are A-OKay
    I was mad enough to go to the end and beat him with his own trophy.

  5. #5
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    Apr 2008


    I was hoping to bring a little morning humor to the board today. If anyone has any other frustrating scenarios, let's hear them. There has to be many more.
    Allegheny Guide Service
    Red Childress

    E-mail - RedChildress@gmail.com
    Web Site: http://www.alleghenyguideservice.com

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    I fish from a kayak and have the same problem. Worst was trout fishing in north park. I'm in a tiny corner of the lake where water flows in having an incredible day w/trout. Then a tournament whitewater kayaker comes up and is going right for the 3.5 foot deep current I'm fishing. I politely asked for him to not disturb this 30 foot area after an earth dam. He blows upon subjects from fisherman think they own the water, my kayak isn't as cool as his, I'm not the fisherman he is because I'm not fly fishing. I just asked him to leave and ruin someone elses' day.
    Later that week I did see him again when I was running around the lake and harassed him at every oppertunity (sp?) and never saw him on the lake again.

  7. #7
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    Mar 2009


    Quick list: -Three rivers rowing in the pittsburgh pool of the allegheny river.
    - Trolling my kayak and boats runnig over my lines (Usually use shallow lures on long lines to get depth as some deep lures have to much pull to be fun to troll.) 80lb braid surprise in your prop.
    -Jet skiers who get ticked when I give them a suick warning shot. (Can't cast very far sitting in a kayak so if my lure is gonna hit you your to close to my kayak to be going 30mph)
    - muskies that don't bite or even follow.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    State College, PA


    How about fishing all day and finally get a nice Musky to follow to the boat. She then follows hot into the 8. You mention you got a hot fish ready to strike and out of the corner of your eye you see your brother bring in his bait and start 8-ing right next to you. Guess what happens!! you betcha, the damn fish takes his bait!! Don't get me wrong, it was still great to get a fish landed, but he didn't even have the decency to thank me for settin that fish right on a platter for him!!! That might explain why my number of solo trips has gone WAY up since then. LOL

  9. #9
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    Apr 2008


    How about pulling into your favorite spot loaded with nice structure and has a big fish or two in it only to snag up the first damn cast. If I am alone, I will cut my line, retie, fish the area and come back for my plug later. It still really ticks me off.

    If I have clients, we will bring his rod to the front of the boat so I can hold it (back of boat is drifting past structure first) while the rest of them pound the spot. I freespool as we drfit keeping the line out of harm's way until area is fished. The guy who is snagged is placed in the "penalty box" for the casting infraction. We usually get a chuckle out of it.
    Allegheny Guide Service
    Red Childress

    E-mail - RedChildress@gmail.com
    Web Site: http://www.alleghenyguideservice.com

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ttabaleulb View Post
    How about fishing all day and finally get a nice Musky to follow to the boat. She then follows hot into the 8. You mention you got a hot fish ready to strike and out of the corner of your eye you see your brother bring in his bait and start 8-ing right next to you. Guess what happens!! you betcha, the damn fish takes his bait!! Don't get me wrong, it was still great to get a fish landed, but he didn't even have the decency to thank me for settin that fish right on a platter for him!!! That might explain why my number of solo trips has gone WAY up since then. LOL
    Thats awesome, very funny.

  11. #11
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    Apr 2008


    I got a buddy that while casting I'll mention that I'll either cast over the weed edge and he can work the outside edge deeper or vise versa...

    Which ever one of us takes if I happen to have any action whatsoever he's switching up to a shallower or deeper bait. Which ever, to fish the water I'm suppose to be covering.

    I keep explaining it to him that it's like having our own untouched water no matter where you are fishing from but he doesn't get it. So I end up switching each times he does.

    It wears on you towards the end of the day then I get ticked and quit changing and just hog all the good spots from the front of the boat...lol...
    While more than I normally do I guess.

  12. #12
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    Apr 2008


    How about when you take a family member that is up visiting and wants you to take them out because they've seen a few fish pics.

    One,nice, low, sidearm cast swips your hat off you head with a muskie plug and it lands in the water and they think it's funny!!!!

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by ttabaleulb View Post
    How about fishing all day and finally get a nice Musky to follow to the boat. She then follows hot into the 8. You mention you got a hot fish ready to strike and out of the corner of your eye you see your brother bring in his bait and start 8-ing right next to you. Guess what happens!! you betcha, the damn fish takes his bait!! Don't get me wrong, it was still great to get a fish landed, but he didn't even have the decency to thank me for settin that fish right on a platter for him!!! That might explain why my number of solo trips has gone WAY up since then. LOL
    ROFLMAO! Yup...Jeff has hopped in plenty of time (Musky fishing or not) and caught fish you were targeting...but that one takes the cake!

  14. #14

    Smile The Goof Balls of warren county!

    I know as much as the next guy that the tail race is not a secluded area to fish in PA. The last two days in a row some guy who looks as though he's just stepped out of a cabela's magazine. Cut in between two of my friends and I. This is not a huge deal, but then every time we would hook a fish and go to re-bait there he was standing in either one of our spots. Still no big deal except he was throwing 8" lures and snagging if not one both of us every other cast. I asked him "would you like to hold hands while we fish". Still he kept right on fishing. Lost it after he showed up the third night and fist cast snagged into me. I guess some people DO want to know how hard it is to swim at the tail waters!!! If he reads this PLEASE have some fishing manners bro or you'll be picked up in the next river clean-up this fall!

  15. #15
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    The Burgh


    I think most of my frustrations come from boat launches and people not knowing how to drive, take up the whole ramp, etc...but that's a whole 'nother matter. I can remember two instances that particularly ticked me off. One was at north park (imagine that) with a guy in a kayak (again, imagine that). I pulled in the parking lot and was getting ready to get in the water and he pulls up beside me, like are you almost done, I want to launch my kayak?? Um okay? There's a whole lake here, please feel free to do so. But then he had to give me a safety check like big brother, do you have your life vest and your whistle? You could've already launched and been fishing if you just worried about yourself.

    The other time, on Arthur, I just motored back up wind, set my drift sock, and was casting Nealeys Pt with a dawg, here comes this pontoon from 200 yrds away, headed right between me and the shoreline. I wailed the dawg that way at least 5 times before they cut through, and after, I could see the guys wife givin him an earfull... Seems like sunday drivers don't discrimate between hardtop or water.

  16. #16
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    How about the "fishing friend" you have that is never on time? You bust your butt getting up at 4am, getting boat ready, get gas, pack cooler to meet at 5am. You are dead tired but since you are a fishing fanatic and hate to be late, you make it on time only to sit and wait for a half hour and listen to some bullcrap excuse as to why he is late. Then his rods are not rigged, has not had his morning coffee (which leads to his morning "throne time") so by the time you actually launch the boat it is an hour or more past your target time.

    Just burns me up inside. Then you think how much you could have used that extra hour of sleep instead of sitting and waiting for him to get his crap together or out of his colon or both.
    Allegheny Guide Service
    Red Childress

    E-mail - RedChildress@gmail.com
    Web Site: http://www.alleghenyguideservice.com

  17. #17


    How about this one: You get a guide for the day...the guide is a GOOD guide...really knows his stuff...knows where the fish are hiding...fish ALL day with him...get a couple of follows...but none to the net...reading his reports later on in the week you discover that the DAY AFTER you fished with him he hauled in 2 or 3 VERY NICE musky right from the spots he took you to.

  18. #18
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    Tionesta, Pa.


    ....... a guy goes by me and sees me fishing from shore leaving a wake like he's heading home to a fire only to launch my bait bucket 3 or 4 feet up on shore. Now that pisses me off and they do it on purpose not slowing down or coming by too close to our lines. Especially makes me mad when a guy comes into the ramp and only slows down until the last 40 or 50 feet making a huge wake with the same results. I won't keep my mouth shut either. Most guys i see do not do this ever and are courteous but as usual there's always 1 or 2 butt heads that could care less about a guy fishing from shore.

  19. #19
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    I about lost it on a couple of older gents last Fall. Lake was pretty empty and I was fishing parallel to the shoreline around some timber. I can't see another boat on the water. next thing I know, these two idiots come puttin around the corner headin right at me. I keep the bow headin the the direction I'm headin so they can at least tell that. Didn't matter, they came so close to me as they went around me that I would have easily hit them on the back cast if I was using the Flyrod. Gets better!! I tried to keep my cool and just kept casting the shoreline in front of me. As these F'in idiots get out around and in front of me, one of them cast RIGHT OVER my line where they just watched the Bulldawg splash down!! I couldn't believe it. Once the shock wore off, I said "WTF are you doing, I'm casting there?!?!". The dude who made the cast just looked at me like I was from another planet, didn't say a word. So, I said, "I'll show you where I'm casting" and sent another Bulldawg to within a couple feet of their boat. They just kept puttin right along like there was noone else on the water!! I just want to find the plant that manufactures these idiots and shut the damn place down!! LMAO

  20. #20
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    Southwest PA

    Default Senior Barefooter

    Last August I headed up to the Youghiogheny Dam to fish for some smallies. It was a saturday so I knew I only had a few hours until the navy of wakeboarders arrived. Headed out before dawn towards Maryland to a piece of shoreline I knew held a lot of underwater structure only to find a pontoon boat moored along shore jigging for panfish I guess. I was working the shoreline and started curving out around his position when I heard it.... Bachman Turner Overdrive "Let it Ride". I can still hear it like it was yesterday. With about 100' between me and the pontoon and 1/2 mile of resevoir behind me, this jack*ss waterskis barefoot right between us, BTO blaring, 6:15AM, fairly thick fog, late 60's, (very few) gray hairs and smiling ear to ear waving to us like we should be impressed or something.
    Crazy s.o.b... I just laughed and headed for the nearest no wake zone. I did have a small measure of respect for the old coot waterskiing barefoot in a fog at 6:15AM. I think that was the last time I fished that lake.

  21. #21


    Fishing on the upper allegheny, Joe Blowhard puts his big ol' ski boat in the river and proceeds for the next hour to go crazy in the starbrick dredge almost swamping me numerous times givin me fly bys like it's topgun. I scream and holler he just keeps goin, I go to launch and calming and respectfully let him know how much of a d.h. he was and he try's to fight me and tells how I shouldn't be jealous of his nice boat and how I won't get girls with mine blah blah blah..... good thing for fishing buddies who can restrain you from handing out beatdowns....

    little things that p#*s me off....

    -people asking for fish because your releasing them. (steelhead fishing)
    -people who just assume they can use your tackle.
    -people who kill muskies cause they eat all the walleye or bass.
    -know it alls or the ultimate angler who's out done everything you will ever do....
    -followers, catch a fish here they come.....
    - and last chronic stupidity, I believe it's spreading.

  22. #22
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    I'm out night fishing in a limited area and there is a boat bowfishing with halogen lights cruising all the shallows and spooking the fish. Then when I show up the next day there are numbers of dead carp and suckers just laying in the water or on shore. One of the first lessons I learned was "Don't kill it if you're not gonna' eat it."

  23. #23
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    you sit at work looking at the dark gray sky thinking it would be a great day to be on the water only to have the weekend roll around and deal with clear skies and 50 mph winds.
    Allegheny Guide Service
    Red Childress

    E-mail - RedChildress@gmail.com
    Web Site: http://www.alleghenyguideservice.com

  24. #24
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    State College, PA


    LMAO Oh man, I hear ya there!! Especially since the last time I was out in those conditions with the Flyrod, I ended up stickin some 5/0 hooks in my rib cage as one of those wind gusts blasted a back cast and I couldn't duck out of the way fast enough. Good thing I happened to have 2 shirts on that day. otherwise those barbless hooks could have come in real handy!! LOL

  25. #25
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    Default Retribution

    You guys have inspired me. Fishing from shore, catching a few trout in a very, very large lake with a spoon. Guy in speedboat repeatedly buzzes me well within casting distance. Not much I can do. About the fourth time he was coming around I here WHUMP, WHUMP, WHUMP. I look over and the guy has grounded his boat on the shore. He had to be towed back. I gave extra thanks to the fish Gods for that.

  26. #26


    when something goes wrong with the boat and you can't use it properly or at all 2 weeks ago i smashed a prop friday I managed to lose a lure and break my trolling motor in less than 5 minutes..... oh and theres a shallow invader on the big tree in shipmans it's mine just waiting for the water to go down a bit so I can get it back.

  27. #27
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    you are fishing a tailrace waterway and the outflow is cut back the equivalent of 15 inches in less than 2 days. Makes for some tough fishing, especially during the spawn.
    Allegheny Guide Service
    Red Childress

    E-mail - RedChildress@gmail.com
    Web Site: http://www.alleghenyguideservice.com

  28. #28
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    May 2008

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by PAmusky View Post
    How about pulling into your favorite spot loaded with nice structure and has a big fish or two in it only to snag up the first damn cast. If I am alone, I will cut my line, retie, fish the area and come back for my plug later. It still really ticks me off.

    If I have clients, we will bring his rod to the front of the boat so I can hold it (back of boat is drifting past structure first) while the rest of them pound the spot. I freespool as we drfit keeping the line out of harm's way until area is fished. The guy who is snagged is placed in the "penalty box" for the casting infraction. We usually get a chuckle out of it.
    LMAO! I thought this only happened to my buddie Joel and I! It never fails!


  29. #29
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    Well tonight i thought i was going to have to battle it out with a ski boat. I have never seen ignorance like this before, well i have but not to this degree.

    I was fishing on a local lake that was unrestriced HP. I spent most of the night just marking way points on my gps and decided at moonrise to try for a big fish i have moved a few time. I so sneak up on my spot and started to work the break where i had found the fish before. I look ahead of me and here comes the 20foot ski boat riding straite to me I am 150 feet from shore.

    He is 200 yards from me, and see me. I am thinking this guy must be sliding out deeper, he sees me fishing?!? NOPE he kept his 10mph plow, bow touching the sky ride all the way down my big fish break line. His wake were 2 foot high.

    When he got next to me he waved, liek "hey partner" I put up my hands in the universal "what the hell" sign. He throws the boat to netural, and flips me off, and asks "whats your problem". I yell back, " You got the whole lake behind you, you see where i am fishing, show some respect" His wife in the boat yells to me "he's a dick" and then hits him. Knowing he is out numbered he exits with "F**k You" with the fingers flying and speeds away.

    The rest of the evening he did not come on my side of the lake, a small victory for me.

  30. #30
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    Some kayakers are fisherman first and I am one. On Tuesday I had hooked a muskie and was fighting the fish who was splashing and making a ruckus. A boat starts coming up the river and didn't throttle down or acknowledge the situation. While I'm trying to get hold of the fish I'm being bounced around by a sizable wake.
    I'm sure most fisherman would slow down out of curiosity if not curtousy (sp?).

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