I just checked the Hwy. J launch yesterday and it is unuseable. The only ramp that I know of that is possible to launch is the launch by the intersection of Hwy. D and Hwy E near the dam. You are restricted to fishing the deep channels because that is the only place there is water.

Pick a lake and fish the weeds in less than 8 feet of water. If weeds are there there wil be fish. The lake I fished this weekend had perch in the 6-8 foot range with weeds. The walleyes were there also. Had water temps of 53-55 on that lake. Slip bobbers with minnows and split shot with floating jighead really triggers the fish. Drag and stop and the floating jighead will cause the bait to rise above the elodea weed. Worked with minnows but is deadly with leeches.