This may not be the 10th Ice Out Contest (maybe it's the 7th or 8th), but '10 has a nice ring to it.

Notice is hereby given to all persons near and far that Ice Out Contest '10 is officially open. Just as WBC Regular succinctly stated, the 'rules' are quite simple. They are: 1) Anyone is entitled to submit by reply to this post or by a new post one guess as to when the ice will be declared gone from Witch Bay. The guess must include date and time of day (please denote AM or PM). 2) The person who guesses the closest to the actual time wins. The guess may be before or after the actual time - just closest in days, hours and minutes to the actual time. 3) Gail shall be the official time keeper - no questions asked. 4) Entries must be submitted no later than midnight on April 1. Somehow that date seem appropriate for a fun thing to do. (One guess was within minutes of the actual time last year, but it was submitted a day or two late -- OUCH!)

Also as stated, the winner will be held in highest esteem by his fellow WBC guests and readers of this message board. Good luck to all, and may the best man or woman win.