Trexie and Fivelines played their cards close to the vest submitting their bids at the last minute so they couldn't be squeezed out by a later bid that was just minutes different than their bids. We'll see soon enough how that chess match works out.

Another last-minute entry by Ed, er, Mary Petro opens up yet another point of consternation for yours truly. Should contestants be allowed to submit bids in a spouse's name? How about in the names of children, grandchildren, next door neighbors? Does Mary even know the Ice Out Contest exists? If those perplexing questions weren't enough, how about the fact that the bid is for "the 27th." The 27th of what -- April? May? June? I feel confident that the bid was not intended to mean the 27th of March in as much that it was submitted after that date, although strange entries like that have been entered before. This calls for an executive decision. Gail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, I will accept Mary's bid, and will assume she meant April 27. Why put her through the apparent anguish of registering on the WB message board just to submit a guess in this for-fun-only contest? This may open up a whole can of worms, - no pun intended - but in the spirit of the game, it's the right thing to do.

Thanks to all who entered the contest. Now, we wait for Mother Nature to do her magic and remove the ice from Witch Bay. May the best man or woman win!