OK, Mr. Lyle. We are half way through the METEOROLOGICAL winter (December, January, February) and are hopefully coming down the home stretch towards warmer weather. Tough to tell that right now, but it is supposed to be happening.

Are you going to start the Ice Out contest running? Thousands of Witch Bay fans and customers are awaiting the 2010 Ice Out Contest. I will kick in a 6-pack of Kokenee (I hope that is how it is spelled) or La Batt's which the winner can get from Gail during their stay in camp.

The major news networks in the U.S. and Canada have their crack reporters lined up to cover the kickoff. I heard a couple of NBC talents are available to M.C. the entire event (they seem to have some free time now) in case we want this thing to go "prime time".

Hopefully this year's contest will not cause the international tension of the "Ice Out Without Rules" of a few years ago.