Butch.....the Expedition is one of the popup type right?

For me, I wouldn't want one of the popup type.....in heavy wind I like the sled attached and with me sitting on it. I borrowed a friends Clam Yukon last winter and fished in major wind...and was fine. However, a buddy was in a Shappell and he wasn't so good. Don't buy a Shappell...I won one a couple years ago, used it for a while and sold it.

I fell into a deal this fall for a Yukon....used one time. Also included a Jiffy Stealth....used one time. A Buddy heater with 10# tank/hose. He "threw" in a depthfinder....ended up being an almost brand new Vexilar.

Anyway, the guy wanted $500 for it. I think I did OK. It all fits in the back of our Jeep Commander.