Just when your all pumped up about Deer hunting and Musky fishing ya get dealt a bad hand!This flu bug hit me Friday night and put me down until today.I finally got in the family woods tonight and was very impatient started thinking NEGATIVE thats there was nothing in this 15acre woods and decided to walk towards an open field instead of staying put.Had 20 minutes of daylight left as i went about screwing up.As i hit the open field a huge doe and a big buck jumped out 25yards to my left and ran like hell to a cornfield 200 yds north.Patience is a virtue something God gave all of us and when we get impatient usually we screw up!I didnt pay $300 to find out if I had H1N1 I do know what I had put me down and it started with a headache from hell.Its nice to feel good again and just being outdoors tonight humbled me.I will share a good fishing report some very big walleyes are being caught 4miles north of Huron and the rest of this week looks good wind wise!If you do get this crazy flu just sleep and sleep til ya wake up and say im ready to go again! C.B