Hey John,

Love the show, you were asking about what we'd like to see more of and I think there's alot of us musky fisherman out there that would like to see more musky episodes. The stuff with Marc Thorpe and the Eagle Lake shows are finamilal! And I really enjoy them but I sure miss the days when you and Pete Maina shot all those show's up in Hayward and even the early Minnesota days on Leech. I know it's hard to catch musky's anytime and none the less get enough to fill a show but even if you just spent the half hour really talking about what your doing and what not that would make a great show. I think some more show's with Pete,Rob, Lee Tauchen and maybe some new and upcoming guides in different areas of Wisconsin would be awesome. And getting back to the Hayward days with Pete and Tex would rock!

Mr Musky