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Thread: Congrats!

  1. #1

    Default Congrats!

    I feel a congrats is order for toothy jr! I was reading the standings in the jr muskie inc. stats and see he's sitting pretty high up in the standings! A nice little article and his pics in the magazine, cant beat that! Congrats to dad for getting him started fishing at an early age, you'll have a fishing partner for a lifetime!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Toothy Sr. and I have laughed many times about how he is creating a "musky monster" and lifetime fishing partner while my daughters will be "professional shoppers" thanks to my loving wife.
    Allegheny Guide Service
    Red Childress

    E-mail - RedChildress@gmail.com
    Web Site: http://www.alleghenyguideservice.com

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by PAmusky View Post
    my daughters will be "professional shoppers" thanks to my loving wife.
    i'll second that!

    congrats to toothy jr! I think I gotta find a surogate son... HaHa

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008


    To heck with surrogate son, I just wanna fish with him! Maby I can pick up some tips........


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Can you imagine how far ahead of the game we would be if we caught our first muskies when we were 8 years old??

    Holy crap.
    Allegheny Guide Service
    Red Childress

    E-mail - RedChildress@gmail.com
    Web Site: http://www.alleghenyguideservice.com

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    I have to applaud dad here big time. It takes an amazing amount of patience to take a kid out like you have. My dad did the same for me. It might not have been muskies but it was surely about fishing and quality time. It did not take long for me to become my dad's "fishing buddy" as a kid. I wish I could take him fishing more now that he's retired and I'm the driver of the boat. I've spent the summer with my seven year old son, my fifteen year old son and twelve year old daughter in the boat at various different times. I'm going to get a bigger boat! But it truly has been rewarding...even if we caught bluegills on homemade flies (you think musky lures are expensive...try having a seven year old use up feathers, foam, and hooks at a record pace!), but the smiles and..."can we go fishing today...please" are worth every penny. And, my seven year old is itching to catch his first musky although he's a little worried about catching one bigger than he is....might as well think big! It's great when the book he is reading right now is "tips and tricks of the fishing pros".

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Thanks guys, that was a nice write up they put in there.
    My wife was crying while she was reading it.

    He is a fishing machine...........he got another 48" this weekend.

    We chased some salmon on Ontario last Wednesday, what a blast.
    He reeled in all the fish except for the double we got. Said his arms were tired on the way home! Mixed bag of 11 fish so he got a workout.
    Memories sure have been made on the water this season!

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