
It does feel good! Me, Jr, and a friend of his went to a favorite Oneida Cty lake yesterday and had 6 follows and 1 hit and miss. Caught 2 pike including a dandy upper 20's fish. Everything was on bucktails. Threw other baits but didn't move anything on them. I saw your comment about it being a bucktail bite and it sure seems to be that way!

Jr. had a nice fat mid 40's follow (I didn't throw a bait at it this time!! LOL!!) on a burnt orange bucktail (all the fish liked brighter bucktails with silver blades yesterday) but it turned away when it got to the boat. That was a NICE fish!!! But for the 2nd day in a row...nothing in the boat....but that's OK!!!!!

Got a really good price on a 98 Nitro 18' fish n ski from a dealer in Crivitz. Boat is in good condition for a 98 and it fishes well. Mama said the only way I'm spending the $$$ like we did on a boat was if I found a nice fish n ski.....gotta keep her happy!!!!

If you care to share some lakes where the fish are moving just email me or send a PM.


p.s. - I'm sorry I didn't call you back after asking about a guide trip. Lot's going on lately with work and boat shopping!