Hoping to fish Big Saint this weekend or should I stay home?
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Hoping to fish Big Saint this weekend or should I stay home?
Ice will be off either today or tomorrow...
Great - next question:
What's the chance of docks being in at landings at Big Saint and/or Found Lakes?
That's a better question than the ice being off... I am not sure if that dock is put in by the town or the state forest crew, so not sure as how to answer it... If it is the town, I would think a better chance than the state guys just based on the sheer volume of docks that they need to put in...
I would be shocked to find ice on the lake this morning....at dark last night it was floating slush.
Yes, it would be nice to have the docks in around the area, but I am sure we won't see those until next weekend.
The water levels are up, so landing won't and shouldn't be an issue...
Sweet - thanks for the info Rob. Can't wait to get back out on the water!