View Full Version : Michael's Spring Break fishing with Dick Wilkening

Gail Hockett
02-21-2010, 04:36 PM
Mike and Dick have been ice fishing the last two days and have had lots of fun catching lots of Walleye , Perch and even White fish. Barb let Michael use her snowmobile so he and Dick could go on the lake by snowmobile and of course this was a dream come true for Michael. Not only did he get to ice fish with Dick, but he got to ride a snowmobile. So Michael’s spring break was a very remarkable one that he will remember for years to come. So, thank you Barb and Dick for making Michael’s spring break loads of fun and Thank you Barb for taking the pictures. Below you will see the pictures of the last day of fishing. I did make sure that Michael took his camera, but he didn’t take any pictures, so thanks to Barb for the great shots. As you can see by the pictures that they had a great time and fishing was great. Last night Michael cooked his White fish and you know white fish are really good and it also helps that Michael really knows how to cook his fish perfectly. So this summer if you catch a White fish, you may want to give it a try.
So far this winter, I have learned of how good Ling are and now White fish, but both of these fish you don’t see to often and when they have been caught they are usually thrown back. Makes you think of fishing this summer doesn’t it. Well, I feel that this is going to be another great year of catching fish and getting to see everyone again, we sure miss you all and we can’t wait to see how everyone is doing.

Gabbin with Gail

02-22-2010, 12:15 PM
Wow those are some great pictures!!